
Speaker(s) are underlined
  1. Lee, K. M. (2024, November). Parallel cluster randomized trials with a baseline period: Estimands, Estimators, and Informative Cluster Sizes. Submitted oral presentation at the 10th Annual Meeting on Current Developments in Cluster Randomised Trials & Stepped Wedge Designs, Birmingham, England.
  2. Lee, K. M. (2024, June). Estimation and reduction of bias in self-controlled case series with non-rare event dependent outcomes and heterogeneous populations. Invited oral presentation at the Health Sciences Authority, Singapore.
  3. Lee, K. M. (2024, June). Modelling exposure time-varying treatment effects in cluster randomized trials. Invited oral presentation at the University of Birmingham, Birmingham, England.
  4. Lee, K. M. (2024, March). Cluster randomized trials for modelling time-varying treatment effects. Invited oral presentation at the Duke Global Health Institute, Durham, NC.
  5. Lee, K. M., Cheung Y. B. (2023, September). Cutting the Gordian Knot: Partitioned Analysis of Self Controlled Case Series of non-rare recurrent events. Contributed oral presentation at the Royal Statistical Society International Conference 2023, Harrogate, England. [Presentation]
  6. Lee, K. M. (2023, September). Boxing with George Box. Contributed oral presentation at the Royal Statistical Society International Conference 2023, Harrogate, England. [Presentation]
  7. Lee, K. M., Poh, Z. W., Yeung K. F. (2022, February). Monitoring of treatment response in metastatic colorectal cancer patients with cfDNA. Contributed oral presentation at the Duke-NUS PhD Student Research Symposium, Duke-NUS, Singapore.

Poster Presentations:

Speaker(s) are underlined
  1. Lee, K. M., Cheung Y. B. (2023, October). Cluster Randomized Trial designs for modelling time-varying intervention effects. Poster presentation at the 15th Duke-NUS Early Career Scientists Association (DUNES) Scientific Symposium, Singapore. [Poster]
  2. Lee, K. M., Cheung Y. B. (2023, October). Cluster Randomized Trial designs for modelling time-varying intervention effects. Poster presentation at the Duke-NUS PhD Student Research Symposium 2023, Singapore. [Poster]
  3. Lee, K. M., Cheung Y. B. (2023, September). Robust Monitoring of Vaccine and Drug Safety using the Self-Controlled Case Series. Poster presentation at the SingHealth Duke-NUS Scientific Conference 2023, Singapore. [Poster]