Lee, K. M. & Cheung, Y. B. (2024). The fixed-effects model
for robust analysis of stepped-wedge cluster trials with a small number
of clusters and continuous outcomes: a simulation study. Trials,
25(1), 1-18. []
Lee, K. M., Yang, G. M., & Cheung, Y. B. (2024). Inclusion of
unexposed clusters improves the precision of fixed effects analysis of
stepped-wedge cluster randomized trials with binary and count outcomes.
BMC Medical Research Methodology, 24(1), 254.) []
Lee, K. M. & Cheung, Y. B. (2024). Estimation and reduction
of bias in self-controlled case series with non-rare event dependent
outcomes and heterogeneous populations. Statistics in Medicine,
43(10), 1955-1972. []
Lee, K. M. (2024). Boxing with George EP Box.
Significance. []
Lee, K. M. & Cheung, Y. B. (2024). Cluster Randomized Trial
designs for modelling time-varying intervention effects. Statistics
in Medicine, 43(1), 49-60. []
Lee, K. M., Ma, X., Yang, G. M., & Cheung, Y. B. (2022).
Inclusion of unexposed clusters improves the precision of fixed effects
analysis of stepped‐wedge cluster randomized trials. Statistics in
Medicine, 41(15), 2923-2938. []
Arndtsen, C., Ballon, J., Blackshear, K., Corbett, C. B., Lee,
K., Peyer, J., … & Duncan, K. A. (2019). Atypical gene
expression of neuroinflammatory and steroid related genes following
injury in the photoperiodic Japanese quail. General and comparative
endocrinology, 288, 113361-113361. []
Forthcoming / Pre-prints:
Lee, K. M., & Li, F. How should parallel cluster randomized
trials with a baseline period be analyzed? A survey of estimands and
common estimators. arXiv preprint arXiv:2406.02028. (under review) []
Lee, K. M., Turner, E. L., & Kenny, A. Analysis of
Stepped-Wedge Cluster Randomized Trials when treatment effect varies by
exposure time or calendar time. arXiv preprint arXiv:2409.14706. (under
review) []
Lee, K. M. The Expected Value of Tennis. (forthcoming)